from my bookshelf.

February 17, 2011 § 4 Comments

I used to read novels every day.

When I was young, I spent much of my time reading. I tended to be withdrawn, had few distractions, and plenty of time. I read for hours on end. Sometimes, if the book was short enough, I read until it was finished.

Being in the middle of a good book is one of the best feelings. Waking up and knowing that you can go back to whatever story your reading is thrilling.

I moved back-and-forth several times in high school. Being able to take my favorite books with me helped me find familiarity in a new place. If I was ever homesick, I’d pick up my worn-out paperback Mara, Daughter of the Nile or Jane Eyre and escape there for awhile. I had a collection of about five favorite books that I re-read countless times.

I don’t read nearly enough these days. I usually tell myself that if I have time to read, I should do the required reading for school. But that’s just an excuse. There are too many distractions. Like the time-sucking internet.

I wish I could get back into the habit of falling asleep to a randomly plucked book from my bookshelf.

Maybe I will.


§ 4 Responses to from my bookshelf.

  • sonja says:

    You go, Cindy Lou Who. I need to get back to this myself. I’ve taken a hiatus from reading ever since Moby Dick seemed too heavy to pack and take to Scotland. I am so determined to finish it that I’ve refused to start another book until that one is finished. Unfortunately, I’ve been away from it for so long that my life has become completely void of any reading time or expectancy for such activity. It’s actually quite too busy right now anyway, but I need to finish it. I was in such a great voracious, book-pile diminishing phase before this noble undertaking.

    Anyway. I’m here to be your cheerleader, at least. I’ll let you know when the Pequod is successfully back home with a big, dead, white whale in tow.

    • Cyndie says:

      Moby Dick! One of my favorite professors was obsessed with that book. But I’m not as motivated as you to begin that gargantuan novel!

      I would like some modern fiction to read. I kind of dipped my toes into that genre last semester in my fiction class, and I liked it. But I need some recommendations, and NOT JONATHON SAFRAN FOER because I think he may make me want to slit my wrists.

  • I am dying for a good book! lately I’ve been pretty empty handed. I’ll read a book up to at least half way and if it’s not worth finishing, I won’t (but I’ll have made a good effort right?). let’s just say that the past two books have gone to the ‘back to the library’ pile after reaching that point. and I’m not a harsh critic…

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